Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Beginning of the End.

Well, this is my last week. I can't believe this is the last Sunday I will wake up living in Dallas (As far as I know). I don't know if it has sank in that I really am moving from here. There have been so many come and go moments since I first moved to Texas, I'm not sure it's really hit me that I'm going and not coming back this time.

I'm so overwhelmed with emotions. Happy one minute thinking about what's to come, but at the same time I'm sad to leave what I've known and become so used to over the past three years. Looking back, I can only stand in awe of everything God has done in and through me. I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER would have imagined the direction my life has taken and the experiences I have had.

So it's no secret that I am ALWAYS a last minute packer. It doesn't bother me as much as it bothers everyone around me. My mom gave me specific instructions to have everything packed and ready before she arrives out here on Wednesday. So kudos for me because I am almost completely packed!

I thought I would post some pictures in case anyone is still doubting me. I'm going to go ahead and put the before pics on here too. Let me warn you that I do not have the most organized closets in the world. But let me also remind everyone that I have all of my belongings in one room. So everything I own is in my closets. At some point you can't organize anymore, you just have to get the stuff in there.....

Ok, so this is the bad closet. This is the closet that I just put everything I am not using or I just need somewhere for it to go. I know it's bad, don't judge.

This is the good closet. After looking at it though, it really doesn't look that much better. But the good news is that I know where everything is.

All of these clothes came out of the "bad" closet. I honestly have no idea how they all fit in there.

The "bad" closet again. Everything in here is completely packed and ready to go. It just has to be put in the car.

This is the "good" closet again. All that is left is a couple of pairs of shoes, hanging clothes, and some random things that need to be put in a box. And the clothes basket that has clothes in it I need to wash. But other than that, not too much.

So now there are just a few little things left to do. I am so glad I started this early because I would have been overwhelmed and extremely stressed if I had to do it all at once.

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