Tuesday, November 10, 2009

**UPDATE:  After I posted this, I read this on another friend's blog.  Such a great reminder.

So I need to brag on myself for a moment.... my friend Lacy and I got up and were at the gym at 5:30am this morning.  I read in a magazine something about how you aren't supposed to tell people you are working out or trying to eat right because then you are less likely to do it.  The odds are already pretty against us so maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it, but I'm really not sure it will happen again so I need to boast while I still can!  (Side note:  By 9:30 I was ready for lunch and a nap......it's not looking good!)

I feel like Lacy has an advantage though because she has a 2 month old baby.  Why is that an advantage?  Because the hardest part is the actual getting out of the bed process and when you are already up at 4:45 feeding your baby, the hardest part of the battle is already won. 

Now, I do realize that I will have the advantage when I get to go home from work and take care of no one but myself while she is having to take care of a husband and 2 kids.  So maybe we are even.

I've wanted to post an update on what the Lord is teaching me right now, but everytime I try I just get overwhelmed and don't even know where to start. 

So to just sum it up very shortly..... I'm learning A LOT about faith and how to trust the Lord.  I heard someone say on Sunday that "the opposite of faith is not doubt, but disobedience." 

I'm also learning how to not worry or be anxious- which I think falls under the trusting the Lord stuff.  I'm definitely a work in progress in this area and I have a long way to go.  Taking every thought captive is a lot of work!  I'm such an analyzer.  I analyze every situation and over think waaaay to much!  Then the over analyzing turns into fear and then it can just go down hill from there.  So it's definitely a daily thing to just surrender it all over to the Lord.

I haven't posted pics of a lot of recent happenings so here are a few....

Several weeks ago we kicked off fall by havnig a camp out.  The bonfire didn't make it in the picture, but the moon walk did!  And yes, we definitely had a moon walk ran by a generator in the middle of the woods!

Stacey, Charli, and I in the moonwalk.

We also hosted a Pumpkin Carving contest at our house.  We had about 40 people over to carve pumpkins and eat soup.  I really just put this picture on here because I never did a post about where I live now.

This is the group of people that were left at the end of the night and all of the pumpkins.

Everyone carving their pumpkins in the driveway.

This is Autumn and I in are Bunk-o-ween costumes.  There were only 3 of us that dressed up.  And we basically just wrapped sheets around ourselves and said we were Greek goddesses or something like that.

This is my Halloween costume.  It took me forever to decide, but I finally decided on a gypsy.  It was actually really easy.  I had a fake nose ring that everyone kept asking me if it was real---I don't think I'm hard core enough for a nose ring.  I know you can't see the whole costume, but it was basically a skirt with boats.

I apologize if there are any misspelled words... I can't find the spell check since I updated my posting stuff.

1 comment:

The Lipman's said...

5:30am at the GYM?! I am impressed!!!