I had dinner with these girls tonight..........
This picture isn't from tonight, but I love these girls and miss them a lot! There's me, Maggie, Sis (my cousin), and Lorie.
This is what I call my 1216 family. When Sis and I first went to Alabama our dorm room was 1216. We never really referenced it as Brittany and Kristen's room, but everyone always referred to it by 1216. Well then our sophomore year Maggie and Sis moved into another house and Lorie and I moved into an apartment. Sis and Maggie's house number was 1216. So it just kinda stuck.
We have all known each other for ever, but became really close while we were at Alabama. Sis and I lived together our freshman year (Just a random story: the first day we moved into the dorm, our whole entire family came down.... grandparents, parents, siblings-probably close to 15 people- to help us move in. We definitely had more people there than anyone else moving in that day. I remember walking across the street to our sorority house after telling them goodbye for the "last" time and Sis quietly told me to keep walking and don't turn around. Obviously, I'm going to and I look and there they are all lined up and every single one of them are crying. For us, it was the first day of this big adventure, but it was like they watched us turn into women as we walked across the street. You would have thought they would never see us again. When in reality, they were all there the next weekend for the football game.)
Anyways, I have a lot of great memories with these girls. Every Tuesday night we had "family night" where we would all get together and cook. Then we would watch our favorite t.v. shows. When the show The O.C. came out, we all skipped class for 2 days trying to catch up on the first season. Not something I'm super proud of now, but at the time it was a lot of fun! Family night grew to be a huge group of people and Maggie's sister and her friends (who are still at Alabama) still have there own version of family night.
These are some of the members of the original 1216 family.
The first picture is from what we call "1216 Comes to Dallas." Which is basically when Sis, Maggie, and Lorie drove out to Dallas when I lived there (I guess that's pretty self explanatory!).
I have so many great memories with these people. I would name a few more, but it's 1:15am and I'm pretty tired! So that will have to wait!
We went to eat and then decided to go and see The Blind Side. We drove across town to the 10:00pm showing and it was sold out when we got there. That was a major bust. I did however, let them talk me into buying a really cute pair of boots that I have no outfit to wear with them. So now I have to find an outfit to match the shoes! And after reading over those last two sentences, I realize how extremely shallow that sounds.
Now I'm off to bed. My roomate is gone and I have officially freaked myself out like 100x! I don't know why, because she couldn't really do anything if she was here. Oh well, hopefully I will get some sleep!
I had forgotten about The OC! That was so fun! If I remember correctly Joseph even watched it with us!
it's okay--i just wrote about buying some boots on my blog too! i can't wait to see you on the 6th--have an incredible thankgiving!!! xoxo
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