Monday, June 08, 2009

Life Update.

I've been holding off mentioning anything about what I'm about to mention.  I wasn't sure of the outcome and didn't want to post about it all over my blog until I knew it was official.  So basically......I got a new job!

I've known for the past year that I would eventually have to have something full time (with benefits) by October of this year.  So it's been in the back of my mind for a while and I've been praying through the whole thing and keeping my eye out on any opportunities that might become available.  **Side Note:  God has seriously blessed me in every job I have had over the past few years!

Several months ago my dad ran into a family friend whose husband is a Pediatric Gastrologist.  She asked what I was doing and then told my dad that they were getting ready to hire someone full time for a front office position.  So I sent them my resume and then just waited to hear from them.

A couple months went by and I never heard anything.  Until several weeks ago.  I got a phone call from the office manager there and set up a day to go and interview.  I thought the interview went great (I was there for about 2 hours), but weeks went by and I never heard anything.  Some other potential opportunities seemed to be opening up and I thought that maybe God was just closing that door.

So last week while I was at the beach the actual doctor called me and offered me a position (I think he's going to be a great boss!).  It's not the position I applied for, in my opinion, it's much better.  Better for me anyways.  I kinda accepted it without really thinking through it a whole lot.  I got really excited and just said yes.  But the good news is that I know I made the right choice.  I did tell the Lord that I was willing to call and tell them I made a mistake since I didn't really pray about it or anything before I said yes :)  

Basically what I will be doing (I think he called it a Medical Assistant or Medical Technician???) is taking patients from the waiting room to their rooms.  I will weigh them and then explain their prescriptions and stuff to them after they see the doctor.  That's honestly all I know.  I will be working with people (It's a pediatric office so lots of kids, which anyone that knows me will know that I love kids) everyday, which I love.

I'm super excited about it though!  I have had a complete peace about the whole thing since I first sent them my resume.  I know it's not really ministry related,  but I also know it's where I'm supposed to be right now.  

So I start next Tuesday the 16th.  My last day at Student Life will be this Friday.  It's a bittersweet feeling.  God is doing A LOT  in my life right now.  I can't wait to share more!!!


Vicki said...

Congratulations! I know that you will bless that office!

Anonymous said...

Well, what a blessing!! And now you're going to be right next to ROJO!!! So you know what that won't be able to put me off quite so easily anymore!! LOL


The Haines said...

Congrats Brittany! Remember....ministry happens everywhere! God will use you greatly there.