Friday, March 14, 2008


I often make references to "the past three years of my life." This is because they have been very crucial years for me. Well really it's been the past four years, since December of my freshman year of college. There would be too much for me to write about in detail, but I have had many "ah ha!" moments (As Oprah would say---I do feel a little bad about putting oprah (I gave her a little "o." on purpose) and God in the same blog). God has moved in my life in ways that I didn't even know He could. I'm so grateful and pray that everyone has a time in their life like this. (I hope I still have a lot more to come though!)

The only regret I have during this time is that I didn't really embrace it for everything that it was. I had so much opportunity and I didn't really realize it until it was really just too late. I have learned that the freedom I have had during college will not always last. Unfortunately, the older I get the more responsibility I accumulate.

I will say that I have accomplished a WHOLE lot more than I ever thought I would. But....there was so much more I could have done. There were some days I was so focused on what was next that I missed the opportunities I had right then. Man I wish I wouldn't have done that! I've definitely lived and learned in this situation!

I am completely taking advantage of the next five months of my life!

Psalm 90:12
"Teach me to make the most of my time Oh Lord, so that I may grow in wisdom."

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