Friday, January 29, 2010

Woo Hoo!

So for those that don't know.... I lived in Dallas for 3 years.  While I was there I lived with a family, that became a second family to me.  We are all still super close.
So they (Keith and Ann) have a daughter, Karley, that went to college at Pepperdine in Malibu last year.  For the past year and a half we have been talking about all meeting out in CA for a vacation.  Well..... I finally booked my flight last night.  So on Feb. 28 I will be meeting Keith, Ann, and Karley in LA.  We are staying there until Friday and then driving over to Vegas for a tournament that Karley is cheering at (She cheers for Pepperdine).  Then we will stay in Vegas for a night or two and fly home on Sunday.

I'm super excited!  I'm working on a list of things I want to do while I'm out there.  Since I've been running (Update on that:  I ran 3.5 miles yesterday!  I was pretty excited!  It's a big deal because my goal was to be able to run a 5k and that's basically what I did yesterday.), I want to run while I'm out there.  Ann is a big runner, so she said she will go with me.  That is obviously not at the top of my "to do" list, so I'm open for any suggestions about fun things!


Maggie said...

Wow I'm jealous! My sister had a blast while she was out there for the game. She said Santa Monica is beautiful!!! If I were going I would have to do one of those tours where you ride the bus and they take you by all the stars homes. I want to go to Vegas so bad. You're going to have a blast! She said the weather was wonderfuL!

Kallie said...

that sounds incredible! congratulations on all your running progress!!

The Lipman's said...

SO much fun!

Kate said...

Ooooh so fun!! I went to LA when I was super young and hardly remember it so I don't have any suggestions...but I hope you have a great time!