I really am just living it and loving it. I'm seeking God and waiting on Him to direct me. But I'm not in that place that I'm longing to be somewhere else. I have NO IDEA what my future holds but I'm truly excited. There are some things that I really feel like God has put on my heart, but I'm just trying to discern it all.
As far as the updated blog goes, I'm still not that crazy about it, but I think I've done all I can with the little bit of blog knowledge I have. And I am past the point of frustration with it, so I sort of just gave up and left it with what I have. I've said I wasn't going to pay someone to do it, but I'm not completely ruling that out anymore.
Now I have a random funny story that I want to share:
New Year's Eve we went to a friend of a friends house for a party they were having. There were surprisingly a lot of people I knew (we thought we were only going to know the friend that invited us) but there were also lots of people I have never met.
Well there was this guy and girl that seemed to feel that they needed to impress everyone with the stories of all the fabulous things they have done in their lives. Many of there stories began with "While I was backpacking through Europe...." or "When I was living in....." And they probably did backpack through Europe, but it was neither the time nor the place to share this information. So basically it was just a "hey, look what I've done" time for them. And most people weren't even listening, so it was just weird. I almost looked around for cameras because it seemed like a scene from a movie.
Anyways, my friends and I get in the car that night and are talking about it. And I told them that we should have told them the stories about how we go and "breast feed the orphans in South America."
I don't think it is going to read as funny as it really was.
We were dying out laughing in the car. Part of me wishes I would have really said it at the time....... I told the story though because now it comes up all the time! Of course right now I can't think of any of these times to share, but they have happened!
Now you will catch yourself answering the question, "can you help me with _____?" by saying "I don't know, I might be breast feeding the orphans."
If you don't think that's funny, then there is something seriously wrong with you. Ha! JK!