I have several pics, so here goes:
I never posted anything from Easter. Basically we went to my aunt and uncles house. They have a small lake/pond and so we fished, flew kites, hunted eggs, ate, etc.
Kaley flying her kite. I love spring time weather!
The Barbie Kite...not to shabby for only $1.
Me and Kaley. I'm looking rough because she insisted I run with the kite to get it up in the air.
Cass and Trey (My little cousin). She obviously has no clue what she's doing.
Getting a little better..
Can we see the sass in this walk...???
Yep, those are camo overalls! haha!
My little buddy!
One of my good friends, Jill, is moving to South Alabama for P.A. school so we spent last Saturday with her. We pretty much spent the whole day together. We picked her up and surprised her with a trip to the zoo.
My friend Linda's little girl, Savanah. She loved it!
The cake I decorated for her. Y'all know I love to decorate some cakes! It was suggested to get those old school sugar letters, but I shot that idea down. Sorry ladies :)
It's a nurse incase you can't tell.
All of the ladies
The guys... who knows what they were talking about over there!
Autumn has been looking for an old trunk to convert to a coffee table. So we are driving down the road and we pass an apartment dumpster. I thought I saw an old trunk propped up beside it but I wasn't sure. I waited a few minutes and then told Autumn what I thought I had seen. I have been wrong on many occasions, but we decided to go back just in case.
Well sure enough..... it was an old trunk! Exactly what she was wanting!
One man's trash, another [wo]man's treasure!
Autumn and the new trunk, along with the dumpster and the rest of the trash.
**We also got a cute little wooden chair out of it. Sad, but true.
I thought this said "R.I.P." at first. We were a little nervous about opening it......not sure what we would find in there!
It says "R.P.B." though, so no worries!
And here is the new coffee table! So cute! Still needs a little work, but I love it.
We picked these flowers out of a neighbors yard and I just thought they were pretty so I took a picture.
This is the only decent picture I took.
Me and my friend Stacey (not the one moving)
I think that's all for today. I will get some more pics of our other yard sale finds!
Also, hopefully move-in pictures soon!
I'm going to the beach this weekend, so sometime after that!